Sunday, November 28, 2010

Spring-ws on AppEngine

Use Spring-ws 1.5.8 and Spring framework 3.0.2.RELEASE.

Replace soap's messageFactory with an AxiomMessageFactory. Use Axiom 1.2.8.

Use xmlBeans for marshalling.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

AppEngine, Maven and Eclipse

First step is to create the maven project:

mvn archetype:create

and select the

gae-archetype-jsp (Archetype for creating maven-gae projects that uses jsp for the view)


Then, generate your Eclipse project:

mvn eclipse:eclipse

Create an application on AppEngine. Then, adjust the pom.xml, appengine-web.xml and perhaps the web.xml.
Now, you should be able to copy the app-engine sdk dependencies to your local maven repo:

mvn gae:unpack

and then start the app in your local server:

mvn gae:run


Friday, October 22, 2010

Mardao 1.4 is released for download

OK, it's been a while, but now the next version of mardao is released. 1.4 contains one new feature, findBy(Expression... expressions), and one important bug fix, ResultSet.getTimestamp() instead of getDate(). As always, download from sourceforge:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mardao 1.3 is released for download

Including one important bug fix on the findBy(Map args) method, 1.3 is now released and available for download:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Mardao Tutorial

Hi folks,
there is now a tutorial for setting up a mardao project from scratch. Please visit
the project wiki.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mardao 1.1 is released for download

So, about a week after the 1.0, next release is due. New features are
  • Support for @Table(name="tblName")
  • Support for @Column(name="colName")
  • Per-table generated CREATE sql scripts
Fixed bugs:
  • Use column names instead of Entity attribute names
  • More JUnit tests
For more info and downloads:

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Mardao - the Architect's Java DAO generator

Today I released the 1.0 version of mardao, the Architect's Java DAO generator.
It uses your annotated domain objects to generate DAO classes, see image.

For more information and downloads, visit

Thursday, May 6, 2010

SVN authentication with Apache and OpenLDAP on Debian

DAV svn
SVNParentPath /svn

AuthType Basic
AuthBasicProvider ldap
AuthName "LDAP auth repo"
AuthLDAPURL ldap://localhost/dc=sub,dc=company,dc=com?uid
AuthLDAPGroupAttribute memberUid
AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN off
AuthzLDAPAuthoritative on
Require ldap-group cn=SVN-inhouse,cn=Groups,dc=sub,dc=company,dc=com

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bugzilla and Testopia on Ubuntu

This was done on Ubuntu 9.10, Bugzilla 3.4.6 and Testopia 2.3.1


unzip tar to /var/www or similar, then do the
./ --check-modules

Manually install the missing required modules as described.

Then, if you get a
Attempt to reload aborted.
Compilation failed in require at Bugzilla/ line 53.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Bugzilla/ line 53.
Compilation failed in require at Bugzilla/ line 26.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Bugzilla/ line 26.
Compilation failed in require at Bugzilla/ line 37.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Bugzilla/ line 37.
Compilation failed in require at line 38.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 38.
Compilation failed in require at ./ line 101.

it seems to be the List:MoreUtils and DateTime::Locale that's missing:

/usr/bin/perl List::MoreUtils
/usr/bin/perl DateTime::Locale

Now, the

Edit the localconfig file a little. Set $db_pass and $webservergroup to what's
relevant for your system, 'bugs' and 'www-data' respectively in my case.

Again, do

Time to access the web interface:

Installing Testopia
Unzip the tar to /var/www/bugzilla-3.4.6/

patch -p0 -i extensions/testopia/patch-3.4.4


Install any missing required modules, e.g.
/usr/bin/perl JSON
/usr/bin/perl Text::Diff
/usr/bin/perl GD::Graph3d

adds the missing tables. Now I can see the Testopia links at the bottom of the Bugzilla pages.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Eclipse and Tomcat and Maven

The optimal setup of a maven / eclipse / tomcat web project is setup as follows:
  • [Download and install java 1.6]
  • [Download and install Eclipse Galileo JEE]
  • [Download and install Tomcat 6.0.x]
  • Download SysDeo (eclipse-)plugin from
  • Extract the zip to ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins
  • [Re-]start eclipse with -clean option
  • Set Tomcat version and home in Preferences - Tomcat
  • Make sure Eclipse default JRE is a JDK
  • Set your Eclipse project to be a Tomcat project: Project Properties - Tomcat
  • Set a context path
  • Set the Subdirectory to use as web app root to /src/main/webapp
  • Activate DevLoader
  • Check all jars, then uncheck test classes and servlet-api.jar
  • Copy from ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/SYSDEO to TOMCAT_HOME/lib and rename it to .jar