Friday, December 23, 2011


Here's a link to the podcast SourceForge created about mardao, featuring me :-)

Merry Chrismas everyone!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mardao going Mobile

Mardao is a tool saving you hours and hours of boring work writing boilerplate data access code. It could also save you a bug or two, as it generates code.

Currently, Mardao supports generating code for Spring JDBC / MySQL, JPA and Google AppEngine's Datastore. It is used in production services on all three platforms, and the tool is considered stable. The current version is 1.15.

Next step in Mardao's roadmap is to generate code for Android apps, as the fit with the SQLite database is really good.

I'd simply love to hear about your usage, and feedback on the API as well as features. Perhaps even write a review?

Are you keen to contribute? Mardao is open source, and can be found at