Friday, December 23, 2011


Here's a link to the podcast SourceForge created about mardao, featuring me :-)

Merry Chrismas everyone!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mardao going Mobile

Mardao is a tool saving you hours and hours of boring work writing boilerplate data access code. It could also save you a bug or two, as it generates code.

Currently, Mardao supports generating code for Spring JDBC / MySQL, JPA and Google AppEngine's Datastore. It is used in production services on all three platforms, and the tool is considered stable. The current version is 1.15.

Next step in Mardao's roadmap is to generate code for Android apps, as the fit with the SQLite database is really good.

I'd simply love to hear about your usage, and feedback on the API as well as features. Perhaps even write a review?

Are you keen to contribute? Mardao is open source, and can be found at

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ricotta now speaks Khmer!

Welcome Bormy to the Ricotta development team!
The first step of recursion has been taken, making Ricotta a localised service by using Ricotta! So now, point your browsers to
and make sure your browser prefers Khmer, and you'll see.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ricotta revisited

Hi, after many weeks without new features, Ricotta has now undergone a major refactoring. Switching to mardao 1.9 gives dramatic improvements on the data persistence layer, and changes to the UI based on real user feedback are appreciated.

Ricotta is a translations tool for any software project with resources separated from code, e.g. Android and iPhone apps projects, and most JavaEE web apps.

Make sure you have a look, it's free to use, hosted on Google AppEngine at

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ricotta - Translation Management Tool

I have been working on a new open source project called Ricotta, which is a translations management tool.

You define your tokens and translate them online. Then, you download resource files to your workspace, and they are rendered using different templates. One for java web apps, a different one for Android projects and so on.
You can also import your existing resource files into Ricotta, to get a quick start.

This project is using Mardao, and is hosted on Google AppEngine.

For downloads and more information, see